social living

Enjoy monthly rentals in Smooth Rock Falls for just $1500/month

At the onset of the Coronavirus Pandemic, many companies allowed their employees to work from home. As the pandemic continues, many employers realize that this may be a long-term, perhaps permanent, change to the way business is conducted. Now almost half the population is working from home. For those with the proper setup (private office, no pets or children to distract them, and a large backyard to move about freely without a mask), it is the ideal situation. However, the scenario described is far from realistic. Many families are spending the pandemic in small apartments in the city. After a few months of being stuck inside, they are ready for a change of scenery and some fresh air. 

The above setup is precisely what sociable living is providing with their luxury villas in Smooth Rock Falls. Their new special offer allows you and your family to spend some quality time in one of their luxury villas for just $1500/month. This is a limited-time offer that starts this November and extends till March 2022.

With Christmas knocking on the door, you can book your stay out of the busy city life today.  Book your stay at one of Smooth Rock Fall’s exclusive villas that include modern amenities, a fully equipped kitchen, tasteful interior decoration, and a huge backyard for you to cozy up with a mug of hot chocolate. The villas come with Super-fast Wi-Fi and modern workstations that are perfect for remote working. Each villa has its garage and home gym. The property manager will address general property maintenance. This will include grass cutting, landscaping, salting and snow removal, and emergencies.

All the villas are in a beautiful quiet neighbourhood which is a short walk to amenities. (Town outdoor swimming pool, splash pad, and park). The neighbourhood is in the middle of a natural paradise where you can spend your weekend boating on the lake, hiking in one of the beautiful nearby trails, or just taking a stroll around the town and visiting one of the local markets for some fresh produce.

Don’t miss a chance to spend this Christmas and New Year with your family in the winter wonderland of Smooth Rock Falls. Book your stay today at the link below.

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The New Age Of Co-Living

  Historically, humans have lived collectively and communally for generations. However, in recent years, society has shifted towards solitary living

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